Mission Statement

To make it possible for everyone to sing together in a non-judgmental environment and to be inspired to sing the most glorious songs ever composed wherever they may be.

To demonstrate the fundamental and inherent value of singing for the betterment of the human spirit, good health and social well being.

The Concept

Sing Australia accepts that everyone can sing and it makes no judgement on how well that happens. It is inclusive and welcoming of everyone. It is about making happy connections with people from all walks of life and demographics within groups and through performances, gatherings, tours and impromptu opportunities to sing.

The Organisation

Sing Australia is a private company established in 1985 and governed by company laws and regulations. The sole owner is National Director, Colin Slater OAM, the Assistant National Director is Margaret Slater. The Sing Australia Head Office is located in Adelaide.

ABN: 35 008 617 070

Management of Sing Australia

The Head Office manages the national network of not for profit community singing groups through the appointment of Leaders and Conductors who in turn manage the day to day activities of the group on behalf of Head Office.

Singing Groups

We have singing groups in all States of Australia and the ACT


Sing Australia produces its own songbooks that are copyright approved for Sing Australia use only. The repertoire is varied and comprehensive to reflect the inclusive nature of our concept.


Members can access our Facebook page via the link on the Header of each page of the website. The Facebook page provides information and photos of the activities of various groups in the network.


Performances range from singing at community events, celebrations, commemorations, impromptu opportunities at shopping centres, parks and gardens, memorials or in community facilities such as nursing homes, schools and hospitals. Basically Sing Australia is up for singing anywhere. If you require Sing Australia to sing for your event simply send a note to info@singaustralia.com.au

Combined Performances

Groups occasionally invite a neighbouring group to support them for a performance in an important town event.

Regional Gatherings


Head Office also organises groups to combine for special regional gatherings that invariably involves an afternoon of singing and social time. Groups must consult Head Office before embarking on these larger regaional events.

National Gathering

This is a major annual event produced by Head Office for the participation of all members. These events are held over a weekend in a different location around Australia each time. They feature a special themed gala dinner event and at least one other major singing event.  Our next National Gathering will probably be early 2024.


Sing Australia offers exciting tours each year for members and their guests. The tours both in Australia and overseas are tailor made to incorporate lots of wonderful and memorable singing opportunities. The photos taken on these occasions often capture priceless once in a lifetime experiences that become important treasures and keepsakes. Tours planned for 2024 are UK in May and Italy/Turkey in September.


Sing Australia has a unique uniform that is proudly worn for all performances. The alternative to the uniform is black shirt with Sing Australia scarf or tie, black trousers, black shoes.

Annual membership

Members pay an annual membership fee to contribute to the running of Sing Australia. This is paid in twelve equal monthly instalments via our secure direct debit payment system GoCardless.

Annual Membership  $134.52  ($11.21 per month)


  • Weekly fees
  • Songbooks
  • Uniform – if participating in gigs

Members pay a fee to attend a singing practice to cover the cost of a conductor, accompanist, venue hire, supper and the Leader expenses.

How to Join