Bethanie Beachside Yanchep

Bethanie Beachside Yanchep 629 Two Rocks Road, Yanchep, Western Australia

Bethanie Beachside Yanchep, 629 Two Rocks Road, Yanchep, 6035 on Friday, 24th March 2017 at 2.00pm. Members attending please wear full uniform and arrive at 1.45pm ready to sing for one hour at 2.00pm. Yanchep is an hours drive from Perth but Bethanie Beachside Yanchep don't have many groups willing to go and sing for...

North Beach RSL ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, WA, 6020 Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, Western Australia, Australia

The ANZAC Day  Dawn Service for North Beach RSL at the Memorial, Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, 6020 starting at 6.00am is a very moving Service with thousands attending so members are asked to wear full uniform, men to wear black trousers. Members are asked to be there by 5.30am. We will sing...

Merriwa Golden Girls

Jenolan Community Centre 16 Jenolan Way, Merriwa, Western Australia, Australia

One of our members belongs to this group and is very keen for us to come to sing to them. We will sing a wide variety of our songs and share in morning tea with them after singing.

Juniper John Bryant Retirement Village

95 Rawlinson Drive, Marangaroo, 6064 95 Rawlinson Drive, Marangaroo, Western Australia, Australia

We are always happy to sing at this facility as a good number of the residents attend and they join in with us enthusiastically. We sing a variety of songs from our Songbooks and our conductor Judy Howell has everyone joining in with actions or singing the chorus of a song. It is always lovely...


David Buttfield Centre, Baptist Care

649 North Beach Road, Gwelup, 6018 649 North Beach Road, Gwelup, Western Australia, Australia

Once again we have been invited to sing for one hour at David Buttfield Centre. They ask us to come each year and thoroughly enjoy the singing and are always willing to join in. Judy Howell, our conductor, often asks a question about the song we are singing and this really involves residents in the...

KMART Innaloo Shopping Centre

384 Scarborough Beach Road, Innaloo WA 6018 384 Scarborough Beach Road, Innaloo, Western Australia, Australia

We have been asked to sing Christmas Carols at the 30th year of launching the Christmas Tree at KMART at Innaloo Shopping Centre. Members will be singing for one hour as we stand around the Christmas Tree. This will be a special occasion for KMART and we are excited and pleased to be able to...


KMART Innaloo Shopping Centre

384 Scarborough Beach Road, Innaloo WA 6018 384 Scarborough Beach Road, Innaloo, Western Australia, Australia

Having sung at the 30th Anniversary of the launching of the Gift Christmas Tree we have been asked to return to sing carols again at a later time as KMART are hoping to catch people finishing work. Our previous experience was well attended by shoppers who stood around for ages listening to us sing.  


Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre – Market Day

Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. Alexander Drive and Grand Promenade, Dianella, Western Australia, Australia

Dianella Plaza Shopping Centre are holding a Market Day and have invited Sorrento/Duncraig to participate. As part of the day's festivities, they will be featuring a Community Stage where local community groups are invited to take part. We will be joined by other groups in the area and it will be a fun day for...


David Buttfield Centre, Baptist Care

649 North Beach Road, Gwelup, 6018 649 North Beach Road, Gwelup, Western Australia, Australia

David Buttfield is one of our regular gigs and they always look forward to us coming. We sing for one hour and are then provided with a lovely afternoon tea.


Lions Club of Whitfords Community Fair

McDonald Reserve, McDonald Avenue, Padbury, WA, 6025 McDonald Avenue, Padbury, Western Australia, Australia

The Lions Club of Whitfords Community Fair is a major community event drawing from many groups within the community. A stage is set up where groups perform but the sound is broadcast throughout the grounds. This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate Sing Australia Day.


North Beach RSL ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, WA, 6020 Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, Western Australia, Australia

Sorrento/Duncraig are honoured to sing at the North Beach RSL ANZAC Day Dawn Service. This Service is always very well attended and growing each year. Our Group sings before the Service and then leads the singing in the Service.


Soroptimist International

Soroptimist International Jacaranda Lodge 55 Belgrade Road , Wanneroo, Western Australia, Australia

Soroptimist International love us to come and sing once a year to them. They supply care and support for the residents at Jacaranda Lodge in Wanneroo. We sing a variety of songs and are always encouraged by the way residents join in. We also receive a lovely afternoon tea after we have sung.


Merriwa Golden Girls

16 Jenolan Way, Merriwa, WA 6030 16 Jenolan Way, Merriwa, Western Australia, Australia

We sang for this group for the first time last year and are pleased that they have asked us back again. One of our members is a part of this active group of ladies and always enter fully into the fun. Once again we sing a variety of songs, finishing with more contemporary songs from...


Remembrance Day Service – North Beach WA

Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, WA, 6020 Charles Riley Reserve, Kitchener Road, North Beach, Western Australia, Australia

We have been asked by North Beach RSL to sing at their Remembrance Day Service on Sunday, 11 November 2018. As it is 100 years since Armistice we have been asked to concentrate on WW1 songs and to lead the Australian National Anthem at the conclusion of the Service. It is an honour that we...
