Festive singing

Woolworths Supermarket Busselton Kent Street, Busselton, WA, Australia

Festive singing at Woolies Busselton . There are no perceived risks at this venue



Woolworths Pop-up

Woolworths Supermarket Busselton Kent Street, Busselton, WA, Australia

We're going to surprise the shoppers in Busselton Woolworths this Wednesday evening at 5.30 by "popping up" with some songs. Please wear something Christmassy and bring Christmas books 1 and 2. We are singing: The First Noel; See a Baby, Do You Hear What I Hear, Mary's Boy Child, Silver Bells, Rudolph and Jingle Bell...

Pop Up Choir at Woolworths and end of year Dinner

Woolworths Supermarket Busselton Kent Street, Busselton, WA, Australia

We will do a "flash mob" rendition of a few songs we've memorised in the vegie department of Woolworths. Following this, we will meet at "The Ship Inn" for a meal and a few Christmas carols.


Pop-up at Woolworths

Woolworths Supermarket Busselton Kent Street, Busselton, WA, Australia

Pretend you're shopping near the vegie dept at Woolworths Busselton. Singing will be started by Carmelina, Terry and Ali at 5.30. Please join in asap and move towards the nucleus of the group. No uniforms for this gig thank you and no books required. We will sing from memory.